The Year 1 Team

Year 1

Autumn term 2023

Welcome to Year 1

Hello! We are looking forward to welcoming you and your families to Year 1. Our team are as follows.

1C – Miss Casey and Mrs Drummond

1RT - Mrs Reddish, Mrs Taylor and Mrs Brown

1S - Miss Swift and Mrs O'Connor

Contact Details:

1C: [email protected] 

1RT: [email protected] & [email protected]

1S: [email protected] 


To report absences, please call the school office on: 0121 675 9098

P.E. day:

1C, 1RT and 1S - Tuesday

All children should come into school wearing their PE kit but leave a pair of pumps in school. P.E. days may change later in the year and we will keep you informed of this as the year goes on. 


Year 1 will visit the library on a Wednesday and a Thursday. Please ensure that your child has their borrowed book in their bag ready to return.

Homework: Maths will be given on Friday and should be returned by Thursday. This will be a piece of work set on Sumdog. English will be given on Friday and should be returned by a Thursday. This will be phonics practice, but we would welcome videos or work in response on Seesaw.


Visits and Visitors


Throughout Year 1 we hope to provide a range of educational visits and visitors to further enhance your child’s learning. This will start with a visit to our local area to support our Geography curriculum. We will provide further details in due course.

Curriculum Overview


During autumn term Year 1, we will build upon the phonics that the children have learnt in reception. The children will continue to learn new phonemes, digraphs and trigraphs and be exposed to these in a range of contexts.

We are a Power of Reading school and therefore use a range of high-quality texts and strategies to facilitate our English lessons. In autumn term the children will be listening to a range of classic and contemporary fantasy picture books. Our first book is an exciting fantasy adventure– we like to reveal the book slowly, so the titles will remain a mystery for now! Our aim for the children to able to link books to their own experiences. We are confident that the children will find these texts highly engaging, and you will hear more about them throughout the year. Children will be bringing a reading book home to share with you. Please read with your child and add your comments onto the reading diary page on Seesaw.


In year 1, children will engage with a wide range of writing opportunities. Writing outcomes will be stories, writing in role and practising writing non- fiction sentences. Children will learn to generate and construct sentences using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. They will use their phonics knowledge to help them spell words.

During autumn term, our focus will be primarily on number and place value. The children will learn to:

  • count, read and write numbers to 20
  • read and write numbers from 1 to 20 in numerals and words
  • given a number, identify 1 more and 1 less
  • identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations. For example, Numicon, base 10, counters and snap cubes
  • understand mathematical statements involving addition (+), subtraction (−) and equals (=) symbols
  • represent and use number bonds and related subtraction facts within 10


Seasonal changes, and animals including humans


Local Heroes


Local Area


My Musical Heartbeat, and Dance-sing and Play!


Spirals (drawing) and Print Making


Playground Equipment (structures)


Fitness and Dance


Me, Myself and The World and The Nativity


Online safety and grouping and sorting


Being me in my World and Celebrating Difference

Recommended Reads

Visits and Visitors

Throughout Year 1 we hope to provide a range of educational visits and visitors to further enhance your child’s learning. We will provide further information in due course.

Curriculum Overview


During spring term children will build upon the phonics they have learnt in autumn term. They will learn new digraphs, trigraphs and split digraphs and spot these in both real and nonsense words. Children will engage in reading sessions that will allow them to read phonically decodable books which will develop their reading of words, fluency and use of expression.
We are a Power of Reading school and therefore use a range of high-quality texts and strategies to facilitate our English lessons. In spring term children will be completing an author study. This will allow children to engage with a range of books written and illustrated by the same author, making links between the books, and retelling a story in their own words. Children will continue to visit the library weekly and spend time in their classroom reading corner which will develop their love of reading, knowledge of authors and engage in exciting book talk with others.

In year 1, children will engage with a wide range of writing opportunities. Writing outcomes in spring term will include stories, non-fiction reports and writing in role. Children will continue to use capital letters, full stops, and finger spaces in their writing. They will also use 'and' to join sentences and use question marks and exclamation marks in their writing.

 During spring term, our focus will be primarily on number and place value. The children will learn to:

  • count, read and write numbers to 50
  • given a number, identify 1 more and 1 less
  • identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations. For example, Numicon, base 10, counters and snap cubes
  • to practise addition (+), subtraction (−) within 20
  • to measure length and height


Seasonal Changes and Materials




The UK: understanding that the United Kingdom is a union of four countries


Exploring Sounds and Learning to Listen


Making birds and Sculpture


Fruit Salad


Gymnastics and Ball Games


Who was Jesus?, and Lent and Easter


Grouping and Sorting


Dreams & Goals, and Healthy Me


Our Authors of the moment for next half term will be Oliver Jeffers and Rachel Bright.

See below for the knowledge organisers for this half term's work. 


Spring term 2024

Summer term 2024

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