Our Latest KS2 Results


2023 National
% of pupils achieving expected standard 81% 73%
% of pupils achieving a high standard (scaled score of >110) 42% 29%
Average Scaled Score 107 105


2023 National
% of pupils achieving expected standard 60% 71%
% of pupils working at greater depth 5% 13%


2023 National
% of pupils achieving expected standard 71% 73%
% of pupils achieving a high standard (scaled score of >110) 20% 24%
Average Scaled Score 80 72

Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar

2023 National
% of pupils achieving expected standard 80% 72%
% of pupils achieving a high standard (scaled score of >110) 39% 31%
Average Scaled Score 106 105

Reading, Writing and Maths combined

2023 National
Reading, writing and mathematics: % of pupils achieving the expected standard 53% 59%
Reading, writing and mathematics: % of pupils achieving a high score 3% 8%

Progress Measures

Reading progress score


Writing progress score


Mathematics progress score


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