Welcome to your newsletter for week ending March 15th

Thankyou to all the parents who responded to our latest parent/ carer survey. As usual, many of you contributed and it's given us some really helpful information about the aspects of school life that you think are going well and well as indicators of areas we need to continue to work on. Next week we will share a summary of the responses and how they compare to previous surveys.

Thank you also to the parents who attended our second Parent Voice meeting- we will upload the minutes from the meeting next week. Please do look at the dates for the upcoming meetings on the web page here.

Following feedback, we have moved the 'What's coming Up' details to the top- we hope that helps you find key information quickly. 

As a reminder, we are inviting families into the two Easter Services in school (dates below). For these (as with the Christmas Services) we ask that pre-school age children do not attend as we struggle to accommodate buggies and prams- thank you for your support with this. If you came to the Christmas services, you will remember that we are quite tight for space so please be warned, it may be standing room only!


What's Coming Up

18th March Values Champions Assemblies- invite only
Swimming Lessons - Yr4 (4BE and 4O)
19th March Swimming Lessons - Yr4 (4A)
Yr2 Easter Service at St Francis Church (9.30-10.30)
20th March Reception and Yr1 Easter Service in school (9.15-10.30) Please wait outside the main 'George Building' entrance.
Swimming Lessons - Yr6 (not all pupils)
21st March KS2 Easter Service in school (9.15 - 10.00) Please wait outside the main 'George Building' entrance.
22nd March RR Forest School
Reception and KS1 Easter Hat Parade on the playground (9.15-10.00)
KS2 Easter Hat Parade on the playground (3.00-3.30)


Values of the Week

Today, teachers have presented the Values Champion Awards to the following children for demonstrating Compassion.

RC - Hussain Z 3C - Pak Yin W
RGR - William J 3O - Scarlett S
RR - Freddie M 3S - Siam H
1C - Isaiah P 4A - Rosie W
1RT - Elisabeth F 4BE - Wilf M-W
1S - Keira M 4O- Dotty S
2ES - Hannah C 5H - Daniel M
2T - Louis B 5HPS - Grace K
2TJ - Leo A 5S - Bethany C
6GW- Elijah B
6M - Abigail S
6S - Joseph C

Red Nose Day

Our students and staff pulled out all the stops with their “Red to Toe” Red Nose Day outfits! We loved seeing all the comic relief inspired looks. If you are happy to share pictures of your child/ren in their fabulous ‘red looks’, we would love to see them and feature them in next week’s newsletter. Please send them over to the ‘enquiry’ email address.

This morning, children participated in 'Kindness' activities in the classroom and then this afternoon, children in KS2 took part in our first 'Values' lesson where teachers went into each others classes to teach a lesson on one of our school values- ask your children about which different teacher they had and the Value that teacher represents. (KS1 children are participating in this next week.)



image of Attendance Armadillo winners

This week's winners are:

* ASHA (Reception) - RR

* AXEL (KS1) - 2T

* ATTIE (KS2) - 5HPS



Arbor Update

Look out for the following payment items getting added to Arbor after half term:

* Paid milk for year 1 & 2 of the summer term

* Breakfast club summer term 1

* Music for summer term

To celebrate World Book Day last week 6M wrote book reviews and they are just amazing! A famous author A.F Steadman (author of the Skandar series, who visited school earlier in the year) even replied to one of them online! 

Our Budding BVP Reader 

Here is one of our lovely Yr3 students with "Counting on Katherine" – a book from Mr Hall’s World Book Day recommendation list. They said they enjoyed reading about Maths books in the last school newsletter and this is one of their family’s favourite books.

Find your Reading Superpower!

There is no right or wrong way to enjoy a book, story, graphic novel or poem. Some people love to curl up on the sofa and read, while others like to listen to an audiobook when walking their dog. Some people like to pick their own books, but others will only read something that has been recommended to them. How you choose to read is up to you!

Find your own reading superpower!

Some music dates for your diary:

Event Date Information
KS2 Orchestra Concert Thursday 21st March Orchestra Performing as part of Services For Education at the Birmingham Conservatoire
Annual Afternoon Concert Friday 10th May Year 3 , 4 and our less experienced musicians in Years 5 and 6 will be invited to take part in our annual afternoon concert. This concert will feature our flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon, brass, violin, and percussion players. We may also be able to feature some keyboard players but this will be confirmed after Easter. As yet we're not quite sure what time the concert will start but probably around 2.15pm. All parents and carers are welcome to attend. Letters of invitation will be emailed home after Easter.
Annual Evening Music Concert Tuesday 2nd July This concert will feature our Year 5 and 6 Musicians (not guitars and maybe some keyboard players), our school orchestra, and Year 5 and 6 choir members. Our annual music award will be presented at this concert. Letters of invitation will be emailed after Easter. All parents and carers are welcome to attend.
Choir and Orchestra to perform in the Symphony Hall as part of the Youth Proms. Monday 8th July Thank you to the choir members who have confirmed they wish to take part in this concert. We will be travelling by coach to the Symphony Hall for an afternoon rehearsal and parents must pick their children up from the Symphony Hall after the concert. The concert is scheduled to finish at 9.15, however last year we finished at 9.45! For those children in the school orchestra only (not in choir) we will send you an email after Easter, asking whether you wish your child to join the choir on the coach or whether you are happy to take them to their rehearsal at the Symphony Hall. Last year parents were asked to bring their orchestra members for 4.15pm. The children will then join the school choir and stay with school staff until after the concert. I will confirm the exact drop off time when details are received from SFE. Tickets will be available via https://bmusic.co.uk/whats-on and we will let you know when they are on sale.

*** Stopping Music Lessons ***

Please note that any children wishing to stop music lessons for the summer term should have given written notice to Mrs Vaughan. The deadline was Friday 15th March.

The next opportunity to stop, or swap instruments will be from September 2024. Next term we will be asking parents whether they wish their child to carry on with instrument lessons in September and we will communicate all details when we return after the Easter break.

SHE - Celebrating Female Composers and Songwriters 

Come and support Mrs Vaughan in a wonderful concert of music by woman composers! May 18th at Bournville Quaker Meeting House. Please contact Mrs Vaughan for tickets.


News from the Pastoral Team

We have had another very busy week in The Cottage talking to our children about sharing kindness with others and how it empowers us to be strong. Sharing kindness can be contagious. When others see you doing something good, they feel motivated to do the same. It helps to boost your self-esteem and increases our energy and happiness.


Why not share the story - Kindness is my superpower.  https://youtu.be/JAIPkJm3wh4

The world needs more Kindness heroes! What will you use your super power for? We would love to hear your stories, maybe you have used your superpower to spread kindness, or know someone who has used theirs.


We have been incredibly lucky to see so many children using their ’Super power ‘ in and around school this week.

After a busy day in the Cottage, M noticed how much washing up we had to do and asked if she could do it for us! Thank you for being a 'Kindness Hero' M, we are very lucky to have you as part of our BVP family.

Below are details of the charity Happy Maps.  

Happy Maps is an award-winning charity founded by healthcare professionals in collaboration with parents and young people. We understand the challenges families face when seeking help and how time-consuming it can be to navigate online information and find resources you trust. Let Happy Maps be your guide in finding the support you need, along with accurate information and recommended resources endorsed by CAMHS and fellow parents and young people. https://www.happymaps.co.uk/

Have a lovely weekend, and as always you can contact us by telephoning the school office or emailing us directly at [email protected]




 Today is Red Nose Day! Have a read to learn some amazing facts, and see if you can answer some of the money-related maths questions!


Can you stop chocolate melting?

If you love chocolate, this is the STEM challenge for you! All you need is a bar of chocolate, a warm sunny day and some bubble wrap, kitchen foil and black or white paper.The challenge is to find a way to package a chocolate bar so it doesn’t melt in the sun.


3 small chocolate bars or one large bar split into 3 equal pieces

3 small plates


Test materials, for example:

  • black and white paper/card
  • kitchen foil
  • bubble wrap
  • anything else you want to try



Place one chocolate bar on each plate.

Plate 1

This is the control sample. Leave the chocolate uncovered.

Plate 2

Wrap or cover this sample in one or two of the test materials.

Plate 3

Choose different test materials to wrap or cover this sample.

Leave all three plates in the same place outdoors. All three samples should be in the sunshine not the shade.

Time how long it takes the control chocolate to melt enough that it is soft all the way through. You can test this by pushing a wooden skewer or fork into the chocolate.

Experiment with placing chocolate in different places to see where it the melts fastest on a hot day. Leave the chocolate in its original wrapper and place one indoors not in the sun and two other bars somewhere else, perhaps a fridge, or a pocket. Check the chocolate every 10 minutes to see how squishy it is.

If you have a chocolate bar that has melted, reverse the process by placing in a fridge. Observe how the shape, texture and colour of the chocolate has changed.

Year 2's Thinktank Trip 

This week, year 2 went on a fantastic trip to the Birmingham Thinktank. The focus of the trip was linked to our science topic, and the children participated in a workshop all about “Our amazing bodies!” They learned about the 5 senses, eating a balanced diet, and what happens inside our bodies when we exercise.

For the rest of the day, the children had time to explore each floor of the museum, learning more about our bodies, but also about other animals, robotics, fossils, construction, and transport. They even got to spend some time doing experiments in the science garden.

Year two were absolutely amazing and showed so many of our school values throughout the day. They were incredibly responsible and respectful to each other, and other people who were visiting the museum. Well done year 2!

An Interview With Miss Cutler (3C)

This week, the school journalists have interviewed Miss Cutler, 3C; hopefully this helps students and parents to get to know her better.  

1. What is your favourite part of the school?

The library, as it is a nice place to relax. I also appreciate the new features Miss Cooper has added.


2. If there was one thing you could change about the school, what would it be?

More grass or greenery as it is better for children.


3. What is you favourite year?

To be brutally honest, Year 3. Also, I would have a lot of unhappy children if I said otherwise!


4. What is the hardest part of being a Year 3 teacher?

I don't really encounter many problems when teaching.


5. Finally, would you ever leave teaching for another interest?

I wouldn't choose to but if I had to, it would have something to do with theatre, as I often go to the theatre and thoroughly enjoy it. 


Writing credit to: Oscar Valentine 

*Thanks also to Oscar's fellow Yr6 journalists who helped him with this piece* 

Year 1's Police Visit

On Friday 15th March, we had a very exciting visit from West Midlands Police. They told us about their role, and we took it in turns to explore their police car. We wore their hats, beeped the horn, and set off the siren. They then arrested Mrs Brown, putting her in handcuffs! We discussed the responsibilities of a police officer and how they are there to help and protect.

Online Safety

Check out the below poster for information on how to keep your child safe online.


School Dinner Weekly Menus

Next week we will be on Week 1


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Macaroni and cheese with garlic slice Beef chilli con carne with rice and tortilla chips (halal and non halal options) Sizzling pork sausage (non halal) Mixed pepper pizza Chicken curry (halal and non halal option)
Macaroni and cheese with garlic slice Filled jacket potaoes Sizzling quorn vegan sausage Margarita pizza Vegetable curry
Assorted wraps Tomato Pasta Bake Vegetable samosa Quorn dippers
Sides- seasonal vegetables Sides- seasonal vegetables Sides- Yorkshire pudding, creamed potatoes and Seasonal vegetables Sides- Fresh seasonal vegetables and rainbow rice (VE) Sides- baked beans or peas and chips (VE)
Iced sprinkle sponge Cookies Crumble and custard Mousse or Jelly Ice cream flavored tub (V)
Fruit salad Shortbread Fruit salad Fruit salad Jelly
Monday Tuesday Wendesday Thursday Friday
Cheese and onion pasty Chicken fajitas (halal and non halal) Roast beef (non halal) Pepperoni pizza (non halal) Turkey burgers in a bap (non halal)
Fish fingers Vegetable fajitas Quorn roast Margarita pizza Quorn burger in a bap
Filled jacket potatoes Assorted wraps Super veg pasta with garlic slice Termpura fish Filled jacket potatoes
Side- wedges and seasonal vegetables Sides - rice and vegetables Sides- Yorkshire pudding, creamed potatoes and Seasonal vegetables Sides- Chunky chips, baked beans or peas Sides- diced potatoes and vegetables
Cheesecake Chocolate orange spoonge and custard Crumble and custard Chocolate crunch Assorted ice cream
Fruit salad Mousse Fruit salad
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Pork sausage roll (non halal) Spaghetti beef bolognaise (halal or non halal) Roast chicken (halal or non halal) with stuffing Pork sausage roll (non halal) All day breakfast (non halal)
Vegan roll Cheese and potato pie with beans Quorn roast with stuffing Margarita pizza Vegetarian all day breakfast
Assorted wraps veg pasta Filled Jacket potato
Side- wedges and seasonal veg Side- potatoe waffles and seasonal veg Side- roast potatoes and fresh seasonal veg Side- chunky chips, baked beans or peas Sides- pomme potatoes and seasonal vegetables
Apple pie and custard cornflake tart fruit cumble and custard Chocolate orange mousse Assorted ice creams
Chocolate and date bun Fruit salad Jelly

Fresh seasonal salad bar and fresh bread available daily, as well as a daily selection of fresh fruit and fruit yoghurts.

As we enter into our last week of term, we have got a few things going on. Plus, important information that we hope will help you navigate around the new payment system.


Next Thursday, 21st March, stick around after school for the PTA Easter Egg Hunt. Entry is £1 per child and can be purchased through the Arbor "School Shop". This (right) is what it looks like on the browser version. Got to "Quick Actions" >> "School Shop”.

The items showing will be slightly different depending on the year group/class that your child is in. Click on the ‘products’ icon to find out more, to select the quantity and make your purchase. 

Once you add items to your basket, click "Checkout". Also, to find your "Basket" you need to go to My Items >> My Payments. Once there, you will find all the Items that you have put in the "Basket" and you can pay for all of them at the same time.

Here the basket is showing 15 tickets for "PTA Easter Cafe Raffle".

If you use the Android App, unfortunately, there is no "basket" function. So, you will need to pay for the items straight away. You are also restricted to purchase a maximum of 9 items in any one transaction. So, if you did want more than 9 items, or other items, unfortunately you will need to buy them in separate transactions. Give it a go - even to get more familiar with the new system.

Easter Cake Raffle & Hat Parade 

The Easter Cake Raffle is being drawn on 22nd March ... here is the cake from last year ... and the Master Baker is currently concocting a chocolatey creation for this year! Entry will be the normal £1 per entry and you can buy as many entries as you like. You can find the "PTA Easter Cafe Raffle" in the Arbor "School Shop". If you use the desktop version you can purchase any number of entries, if you use the mobile app you are restricted to maximum 9 per transaction.

The Easter Hat Parades are on Friday 22nd March (weather dependant for KS1). For KS1 it will start after drop-off and we will have tea/coffee/hot cross buns available for any donation (cash or card payments) before all the kids come out. It's always a fun morning, if a little crazy! Please do join us! For KS2 it will be for the kids only, during School time, but we will look to set up a party in the playground at the end of the school day.

More details will follow from School so look out for that communication.

The disco dates are locked in for all Year Groups for the rest of the year. If you are able to volunteer for the discos in April please do text 07974331102 and we will get you involved in the Disco Teams. The Disco Tickets are also available in the Arbor "School Shop".

If you need plenty of warning to slot the Quiz Night in your family calendars, and secure appropriate childcare, then take this as the "19 week advance notice"! Its on 5th July. Teams of max 10 with only 120 tickets available. We usually sell out so get your teams sorted.

Thursday 21st March Easter Egg Hunt Straight after school (and possible Easter Cake Raffle draw)
Friday 22nd March KS1 Easter Hat Parade straight after drop off Details to follow, but will include tea/coffee/hot cross buns
Friday 22nd March KS2 Easter Hat Parade afternoon Details to follow
Friday 22nd March Holi Celebration Party in the playground, straight after school
Tuesday 9th April Reception Disco Elizabeth Hall, 15:20 - 16:30
Wednesday 10th April Year 1 Disco Elizabeth Hall, 15:20 - 16:30
Thursday 11th April Year 2/3 Disco George Hall, 15:20 - 17:00
Thursday 11th April Year 4/5/6 Disco George Hall, 18:00- 19:30
Tuesday 2nd July Reception and Year 1 Disco in George Hall George Hall - 15:20 - 16:30
Friday 5th July Quiz Night (get the date in your diary!)
Thursday 11th July Year 2/3 Disco George Hall, 15:20 - 17:00
Thursday 11th July Year 4/5/6 Disco George Hall, 18:00- 19:30
Tuesday 16th July Year 6 Production Details to follow
Wednesday 17th July Year 6 Production Details to follow
Thursday 18th July Year 6 Leavers Assembly, BBQ and Party Assembly in George Hall. BBQ and Party in the playground 14:00 - 23:00

French Club! 

If your child is in Y1 or 2, why not sign them up to Lingotot's french club?! It takes place every Thursday, starting April 11th, 15.30-16.30. Booking details below.

Fundraising for our former student, Oly Yorke

You may or may not be aware that one of our former pupil's, Oly Yorke, suffered a horrific accident back in February of this year. Following a fall at a local skate park, he was knocked unconscious by the fall and was immediately rushed to hospital.

Oly currently remains in hospital, in the High Dependency Unit, and the traumatic brain injury he has suffered means he currently has almost no use of his left side, is struggling with his speech and is suffering from various other neurological complications.
Before his accident, Oly played for Cadbury Athletic Football's U13 team. They have set up a 'GoFundMe' page to raise some funds to help towards Oly’s rehabilitation, vital treatment, recovery and help support his family.
If you would like to donate to this worthwhile cause and find out more about Oly's story, follow this link: https://gofund.me/4d7eb822

The Club also plans to carry out various initiatives over the forthcoming weeks and months to try and bring the local community together and, in the process, raise funds for Oly and his family.

The first fundraising day will take place at the club's first team's home game on Saturday 23rd March (3pm Kick Off). All of the money raised will go to Oly and his family.


Quote of the Week

"Life is about overcoming self-doubt. But you don’t grow if you don’t question yourself." - Lenny Henry

Given that it is Red Nose Day and Lenny Henry's last year presenting the iconic fundraising campaign, we thought this quote by the legendary co-founder was perfect for this week's newsletter. 

And finally...

As always, it's great to see families in assemblies- we know our children love it when you're in school so in the Summer term we will be planning a year's worth of opportunities for families to come into school - look out for a questionnaire that will be asking you what you'd like to be more involved with.

Have a good weekend all- see you on Monday for the final week of the term!


Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is the responsibility of everyone in our school and at all times we consider what is in our children’s best interests. We work to ensure our children our safe and cared for and by doing this we are protecting their health and development and preventing them from harm. If we are worried, we will raise concerns, share information, and take prompt action with the aim of ensuring families receive the right help at the right time.

Going On In Your Area

Ultimate Activity Camps

They provide Ofsted-registered activity day camps for children aged 4-14 during school holidays. Children will enjoy a fantastic range of over 40 sports, games and art activities every week led by engaging staff at amazing locations. Running this Easter and Summer at King Edward VI Camp Hill School in Kings Heath, Birmingham. 

W: http://www.ultimateactivity.co.uk/FSF

T: 0330 111 7077

E: [email protected]

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