Welcome to our Weekly Newsletter- September 22nd

Good afternoon families and welcome to this week's newsletter.
Our week has ended with wonderful Values Assemblies for Key Stage 1 and 2. Read on for the names of our RESPECT superstars this week. We are looking forward to seeing the Reception classes in this assembly in a little while! In our assemblies we were also proud to reveal the names of this year's House Captains and our Rights Respecting School Ambassadors. 
It has been great to meet and talk to parents from across Years 2-6 at the Parents and Carers Meetings we've been holding. Next week it's the turn of Year 1 and Reception. If you are able to come, we will be meeting in the George Hall via the main entrance on Woodbrooke Road at 6pm. We'd love to see you there for our short presentation about our foci this year and also have a good look round school! If you haven't been able to attend one of the meetings, you can get a good flavour of the themes of our work this year by reading my Headteacher's Welcome on the home page of our website!

Library news

We have spent lots of time over the summer sprucing up our wonderful library... and now we have a few requests that we think you might be able to help us with!
Firstly, we are understocked with children's books in languages other than English. If you have any children's books at home that are no longer being used, in languages that you or your children use at home, we'd love any donations!
We are also looking for story-telling items such as puppets or figures from stories as we are hoping to create story-telling baskets. Finally we are also looking for items of clothing for the clothes rack - not fancy dress, just interesting clothes and hats! And if anyone has a cloak that would be great! 
In order for our whole school community to benefit from our wonderful library, we will be opening it up after school on selected dates for an hour. To start off we will open on 4 dates, then we'll see how regularly we open up in the future, depending on the amount of interest. Look out for these dates on the calendar on our website.

Home-School Communication

Thankyou to the parents and carers who are using the Arbor app. Most of our school community are now using this and it is the best way for us to send out messages, including notifications that the weekly newsletter is available. Within the app is an option for parents to reply to messages, however due to the volume of the messages coming in to us, we have turned this option off. 
We really want families to be able to email teachers directly, to save everything having to come via enquiry@ or messages on the playground etc so we are in the process of sharing teachers work email addresses with you via our website class pages. We just need to iron out a few details and ensure that everyone is clear about expectations and then we can roll these out to you. Thankyou for your patience- we are sure that this way of communicating will help us increase positive home - school relationships and be more efficient. 

Let us know if your child is going to Kaboom

If your child is attending Kaboom after school, particularly if they are in Reception or KS1, please let us know. We are finding that some of our younger children are getting upset when parents don't pick up, but if we know this is the case before the end of the day, we can manage this well and avoid children becoming unnecessarily upset. Thankyou for your support. 

What's Coming Up...

Monday 25th
Tuesday 26th Year 1 Parents' Meeting - 6-7pm
Thursday 28th Reception Parents' Meeting - 6-7pm
Friday 29th RR Forest School

Weekly School Dinner Menus


Just a quick note about our school meals...ALL meals offered can be produced as 'Gluten Free'. You don't need to give us any other information when booking meals if you want the gluten free version, because we know if your child has any allergies.


Values of The Week 

Today, teachers have awarded certificates to the following children for demonstrating Respect.

1C- Is'aac 3C- Grace L
1RT- Jane W 3O- Felicity G
1S- Eli S 3S- Toby B
2ES- Arlen P 4A- Lizel A
2T- Arlo B 4BE- Nikaya S
2TJ- Ehsan C 4O- Esme W
5H- Rohan J
5HPS- Maisie W
5S- James D
6GW- Alexis P
6M- Chloe D
6S- Seren D

Meet Our House Captains

Beech 6GW - Delphine
6S - Sylvia
Sycamore 6GW - Ophelia
6GW - Elijah
Oak 6S - Oscar H
6GW - Yana-Rae
Maple 6M - Isaac S
6GW - Alexis

Music News

Another wonderful week of music making in school. Our School Choir is sounding fantastic, and our Year 5 and 6 members were very excited to receive their invitations to take part in Young Voices. A gentle reminder that all forms must be received by Friday 29th September at the very latest. This is due to Young Voices deadlines and no late submissions can be accepted.

Well done also to our newly formed Year 6 hand bell group, we can’t wait to hear you in the Town Hall, alongside our choir on Sunday December 10th. Details of this concert will be sent out in the next few weeks but do save the date!

Congratulations to Norah in 6GW who, this week, has been appointed principal cornet player with the Birmingham Schools Training Brass Band. Norah this is an amazing achievement and truly recognises your immense talent. We are so proud of you!

Musical Instrument Timetable

Day Instrument Teacher Contact
Monday Flute Mrs Taylor [email protected]
Monday Clarinet Mrs Taylor [email protected]
Monday Bassoon Mr Brookes [email protected]
Tuesday Oboe Mrs Morson [email protected]
Tuesday Keyboard Mr Joshi [email protected]
Wednesday Violin and Viola Ms Scott [email protected]
Wednesday Brass Mr Ali [email protected]
Thursday Guitar Mr Reed [email protected]
Friday Guitar and Ukulele Mr Reed [email protected]
Friday Percussion (inc. Drums) Ms Reid [email protected]

One week to go!


Our Macmillan Coffee Afternoon is approaching fast. It will take place after school a week today on Friday 29th September. We will be looking for creative bakers to offer up some donations! if you can help us, please bring baking creations to school on Friday morning (not before please!). If you can, please put cakes etc on disposable plates or label trays and containers. Please cling film/ cover your cake with foil and add a label with any relevant dietary information e.g. gluten free. PLEASE DO NOT BAKE ANYTHING THAT CONTAINS NUTS!

We will be opening up the George hall at 3:30pm (please enter through the main entrance on Woodbrooke Road). There will be tea and coffee... and obviously lots of cakes! We'd love you to hang around and have a chat, or if you don't have time then pop in and grab some cake to take away! We'd love to see you there and we'd love to raise lots of money for this incredibly worthy cause.


PTA News

Quiz Night Friday 20th October 2023 - 4 weeks to go!

It's on! Different rounds, different activities but reliably the same format that works. If you want to gather your team of up to 10 and book online here https://bournvillehsa.wordpress.com/2023/09/11/quiz-night-20th-october-2023/, and pay via ParentPay giving your team reference that would be great!  £10 per ticket which includes fish and chip (or sausage/spring roll) supper. BYOB, doors open at 1900, food at 1930, quiz starts at 2000, hard stop at 2300. We are also exploring the options of winning prizes for your kids and classes throughout the evening. We look forward to seeing you there!

Christmas, and Christmas Fair preparations - 2nd Dec 2023 1100 - 1500

The pupils are designing their own Christmas Cards in class this week. Once they get processed and we get samples back, the cards, mugs, tags and labels with your child design on will be available to order. Look out for this.

We are opening up the George Hall again this year for the Designer/Maker community amongst the BVPS Family. If you, or your child, is keen on making craft items to sell at the Christmas Fair then you can go ahead and request a table here https://bournvillehsa.wordpress.com/christmas-fair-2023/ and we will contact you to make arrangements. We are concentrating on designer maker craft items / physical items - rather than food or drink. However, if you are a keen baker and wish to help us stock and sell food and drink items in the cafe then please contact us on [email protected] and we can see what we can do.

We are also seeking donations from the Parent community for Raffle Prizes to be part of the Christmas Raffle. We had a hugely successful response to the previous raffle donation request that we are looking to repeat. Tickets will be on sale via ParentPay once we gather some donated prizes.

Year 6 Opportunities

We will soon be writing to all Year 6 pupils and parents asking for their support to join the Christmas Fair Event Team and run various activities around the Fair. This is a great opportunity to get involved in running a smooth event for younger year groups, and sets the scene nicely for funds to be raised for the Year 6 Leavers Celebrations in June/July 2024. Please put aside one or both shift slots of 10:30-13:00 and/or 12:30 - 15:00 and if you can make yourself available to assist the team as well. More information to follow.


Sticking with Year 6 for a moment, for the first year ever Year 6 pupils are being supported to pick up roles and responsibilities throughout the school - which includes the roles of "PTA Ambassadors" that are being recruited to. We look forward to those in Year 6 that step forward and want to get more involved in making fun staff happen around school. If you want to have a chat about this to find out more then please do write to us at [email protected] and we will talk it through.

In other news ...

We had a hugely successful Picnic and Duck Race on Sunday for the new Reception Classes. It was great to see those that could make it. We sent nearly 100 ducks down the stream in the Park and the winner was Ivy T in RC, and the winning class was RR. So, congratulations, we will sort out the silent disco kit for you via the office/teachers. We have also added "PTA General Donations" and "PTA School Shop" items to your ParentPay account should you ever need to use them.

Keen to get involved?

If all of this looks great, and you want to get a little more involved, then do step forward and talk things through with any members of the PTA Ops Team. They have good visibility of how we make fun things happen, and can often be found in around the playground/school shop. Email us at [email protected] and we can arrange a meet up to give you a bit more insights.

Forthcoming Dates

Date Event Time
20th October Quiz Night 19:30 - 23:00
23rd November Evening Parent House Party (Details to follow)
2nd December Christmas Fair 11:00 - 15:00
5th December Year 1 Disco 15:20 - 17:00
7th December Year 2/3 Disco 15:20 - 17:00
7th December Year 4/5/6 Disco 18:00 - 19:30
15th December Carols in the Playground and Christmas Raffle Draw Afternoon and After School

Before and After School Clubs

As you know we have been working hard to secure quality before and after school provision for our children. Many clubs are fully booked, but some of our providers have availability in Dance and Gymnastics Years 1 to 6, Lingotots KS1, Drama KS2.

Please click the link to see the before and afterschool club timetable


Please look out for the emails or contact Mr Evans for more information.

More information on after school sports clubs will follow soon.

Homework News

Thankyou for your patience whilst we sorted our plans for homework.
As promised we wanted to make sure we were taking the views of our families into consideration with this aspect of school life. Parents and carers can feel very differently about homework: the frequency/ amount and the format, and so we have tried to take all views into consideration!
We have now moved to a homework book format, rather than online (with some exceptions).... please read on for clarification!
For all children in all year groups, our expectation is that children read regularly at home. Children/ families should use the Reading Diaries/ Planners to record any reading.
For children in Reception and Year 1*, there is also an expectation that children will be supported to practice their phonics and oral blending (these sheets are added weekly to children's books). *There will be an increase in homework that we offer, later in the year for children in Year 1.
For all other year groups, each child has been given a Maths homework book and a Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation homework book. Teachers will set pages each week that can be completed. If you, as parents and carers wish your child to complete this homework, then children can bring these books home and return them to school for marking. If you decide that you would prefer your children to engage with other learning outside of school (and not complete the pages in the homework books) then we are happy with that- we want the decision to lie with you as families and whichever option you choose, we will support. If you prefer your child not to engage with the homework books, they will be used for registration activities
Completed pages from homework books will be marked and misconceptions will be addressed.
In addition to the above, some children will be set online maths homework via Sum Dog or TT Rock Stars- your teachers will communicate this to you, if it applies to your child.  Finally, for our Year 6 children, we do expect homework to be completed, as preparation for KS3. If you are not in support of this, please speak to class teachers. 
All homework, across the school will be set on a Friday and books should be returned by the following Thursday and we will roll this out next Friday.

Message from Revd Richard at St Francis Church

We are very much looking forward to Year 4 joining us on Tuesday 3rd October for your Harvest Festival!

This year we are collecting donations for the B30 & South Birmingham Foodbank, who are currently giving out far more food than they are receiving so donations are very much needed. If you’re able to, please make a donation, but no fresh food, thanks. Their website (b30.foodbank.org.uk) has a list of what’s needed most.

Also, can we ask that all donations are brought over on the day of your service. If there’s a problem with this, please let us know. Finally, help getting chairs out ready for the services and putting them away afterwards would be most appreciated!

Thank you.

Going On In Your Area...

Check out Selly Oak Families Latest Newsletter


From free family days out to health and wellbeing support for the whole family - it is definitley worth a read.

Take a look here.

And finally...

As a school who are looking to continually improve, we want to work with our families as closely as possible. If there is something you don't think we are doing well enough, then please let us know via [email protected].  We absolutely want to get things right for your children. 
Have a good weekend folks and we'll see you bright and early on Monday!
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